Using typography

In our ds we have added 3 level heading components. ds.h1, ds.h2, ds.h3

How to use our heading components:
Using heading level 1 ds.h1
-- ds.h1: Heading Level 1

This is heading level 1 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part
of a heading level 1
Output of above:
Heading Level 1
This is heading level 1 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part of a heading level 1
Using heading level 2 ds.h2
-- ds.h2: Heading Level 2

This is heading level 2 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part
of a heading level 2
Output of above:
Heading Level 2
This is heading level 2 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part of a heading level 2
Using heading level 3 ds.h3
-- ds.h3: Heading Level 3

This is heading level 3 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part
of a heading level 3
Output of above:
Heading Level 3
This is heading level 3 body part. You can add multiple paragraphs into body part of a heading level 3
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting in the 1960s