Updating sitemap links

To navigate between pages you need to keep updating the sitemap of your ds. In ds we have added a sitemap into the FASTN.ftd file.

Each new file you create if you want to add it to the main menu(Top navigation) then use below code sample.

Let’s say you have created a new about-me.ftd file into the <root> folder of your FTD web project then add it into the fastn.sitemap component.

Add the below line into the FASTN.ftd folder. Ensure -- fastn.sitemap: should be called only one time.
-- fastn.sitemap:

# Home: index.html

# About me: /about-me/
Accessing a folder into sitemap:

If you have created a folder for your blog posts named blog into the <root> folder of your project like <your-ftd-project>/blog/ and added a first-post.ftd file into it.

Each folder you create, we recommend adding an index.ftd file into it, to access folder into fastn.sitemap by default.

Adding your blog folder into fastn.sitemap inside FASTN.ftd file:
-- fastn.sitemap:

# Home: index.html

# About me: /about-me/

# Blog: /blog/

- Blog posts:
  - My First Post: /blog/first-post/
TOC into page using sitemap

You can use fastn.sitemap for table of contents also. To create TOC of your ds into FASTN.ftd using sitemap follow below given pattern.

Showing example of our Documentation page TOC:
-- fastn.sitemap:

# Home: index.html

# About me: /about-me/

# Documentation: /docs/

- Documentation:
  - Using `ds.page`: /docs/page/
  - Updating `FASTN.ftd` sitemap links: /docs/sitemap/
  - Updating your resume: /docs/resume/
  - Using typography: /docs/typography/
  - Updating Footer info: /docs/footer/
Output of above, see below toc of our documentation page. TOC appears above footer of your ds.
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