component on your page.imagen-ig
This is the main imagen-ig
How to use?
Add below lines into FPM.ftd
-- fpm.dependency: as ig -- ig
-- record tc: caption title: body body: integer index: boolean is-last: -- tc list list-tc: -- list-tc: Commit to the process index: 1 is-last: false FifthTry has a review based workflow for documentation, just like Github Pull Request. -- list-tc: Own the changes index: 2 is-last: false FifthTry has a review based workflow for documentation, just like Github Pull Request. -- list-tc: Deploy when everything’s ready index: 3 is-last: true FifthTry has a review based workflow for documentation, just like Github Pull Request.
-- ig.slideshow: Continous Translation list-title-copy: $list-tc FifthTry has a review based workflow for documentation, just like Github Pull Request.