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How to use blog

We at FifthTry promote FTD to write your blogs. Considering this we have designed blog inside dod-site.

By following our simple blog documentation you can create you own. We have developed featured article list, blog article & authors bio pages. Lets understand how to use them.

Make sure you have done these steps and created your FTD website repository on GitHub.

Adding author details

As a blog author bloggers can add their details. Using our author feature you can add your details as author.

Lets understand how to add author details.

Example how to add author details
-- abrar: Abrar Khan
profile: Sr. Software Developer
bio-url: blog-authors/abrar/
image: $assets.files.static.authors.abrar-k.jpg
company: FifthTry Pvt. Ltd.

Completed my masters from National Institute of Technology. Working as
Sr. Software Developer at FifthTry Private Ltd. a Banglore based start-up company.

Currently working full time with FifthTry and building FTD and FPM day and night.

Let’s understand above code snippet:

In doc-site we have added blog-authors folder. Here you can create your name FTD file. e.g. abrar.ftd file. You can also add more authors incase you are creating a blog with multiple authors or a blog for your company where multiple authors can write posts for your company blog.

Delete default files from blog-authors or rename default files with your name. Above code snippet is same code from abrar.ftd file.

-- abrar: Abrar Khan : in this FTD component author name as a title. You can change Abrar Khan with your name.

profile: helps add author desination in above case e.g. “Sr. Software Developer”

bio-url: add author FTD file and folder details.

image: author image

company: author company details

✨ At the last of above code snippet you can add author bio.

Writing a post
Writing a post/article you can add your post meta and post details. Below code snippet shows how to write post meta and create your post. see sample post

Example of how to create blog post
-- import: as ds
-- import:
-- import: as author

-- meta: A day in a city of dreams
published-on: July 22, 2014 at 10:02 pm
post-image: $assets.files.static.image-placeholder.png
post-url: blog-articles/category-1/sample-post-1/
author: $author.abrar

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem 
accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore

Let’s understand above code snippet:

-- import: as ds : imports doc-site and all its components into your FTD page.

-- import: : helps to import assets from doc-site. For ex. this assets import helps you to add images into your FTD pages.

-- import: as author : imports author meta data. You can add author details into blog-authors/.

In above example we have added abrar which links to abrar.ftd file from blog-authors/ folder.

-- meta : helps you to add details of your blog post.

✨ Using published-on attribute you can add your post timestamp.

✨ FTD uses a specific format to add image assets you see in above post-image attribute. $assets.files.static.image-placeholder.png in this $assets.files. is default.

FTD format to add a asset. static is a folder name, which you can see in your doc-site folder structure. image-placeholder.png image file name, in this case we have added png format image.

You can add any image format in it. e.g. image-placeholder.jpg or image-placeholder.jpeg or image-placeholder.gif etc.

post-url attribute will help you to add your post.ftd file. In this case /blog-articles/category-1/sample-post-1/ is this path of our sample post FTD file sample-post-1.ftd which is stored inside /blog-articles/ is folder and category-1 is a category folder. You can rename it with your desired name.

author attribute helps to add author details. $author.abrar in this $author is imported via -- import: as author line into your blog post. abrar is a abrar.ftd file which contains author details.

✨ At the last of above code snippet you can add few lines from your post. This is called as body of the post in FTD. These lines will be added as featured text inside featured-post page.

Example of how to use -- ds.posts
-- import: as ds
-- import:
-- import: 
-- import: 
-- import:


--- ds.posts:

--- ds.featured-post:
post-data: $sample-post-1.meta

--- ds.image-first:
post-data: $sample-post-2.meta

--- ds.image-in-between:
post-data: $sample-post-3.meta

--- ds.without-image:
post-data: $sample-post-4.meta

Let’s understand above code snippet:

-- import: as ds : imports doc-site and all its components into your featured-post.ftd page.

\-- import: : imports sample-post-1 and its all details from /blog-articles/category-1/ folder. You can add more posts imports into featured-post.ftd like shown in above code snippet.

e.g. –, — ds.posts and all components mentioned in above components.

--- ds.posts: : This line imports ds.posts component which helps to create featured list page ui.

--- ds.featured-post: : This line imports ds.featured-post component which comes with featured post UI. see our blog page

--- ds.image-first: : ds.image-first component shows your post image at the top then shows title of the post and other post details. see our blog page

--- ds.image-in-between: : ds.image-in-between component shows your post image after title and post metadata then shows other post details. see our blog page

--- ds.without-image: : ds.without-image component shows your post without image incase your post not contains featured image. It shows only title and post metadata then shows other post details. see our blog page

Category pages are similar to featured-posts page. You can add category related details into body part of -- page.