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Introducing dash-dash-ds
Introducing dash-dash-ds

We at FifthTry designed and developed FTD langauge for you. Using our own FTD language dash-dash-ds is designed for you to create FTD web-sites.

Check out our simple and easy documentation to learn more about dash-dash-ds.

🚀 Project Structure
🚀 Project Structure
Inside of your dash-dash-ds project, you’ll see the following folders and files:

├── .build/
│   └── index.html
├── .packages/
│   └──
│   	└── All downloaded dependencies
├── blog-articles/
│	├── category-1/
│   │	├── index.ftd
│   │   ├── sample-post-1.ftd
│   │   └── sample-post-2.ftd
│   │
│   └── category-2/
│   	├── index.ftd
│       ├── sample-post-3.ftd
│       └── sample-post-4.ftd
├── blog-authors/
│   ├── abrar.ftd
│   ├── amitu.ftd
│   ├── arpita.ftd
│   └── ganesh.ftd
├── documentation/
│   ├── blog-docs.ftd
│   └── docs.ftd
├── static/
│   └── All images and static assets included in doc-site
├── FPM.ftd
├── index.ftd
├── featured-posts.ftd
├── floater.ftd
├── image.ftd

🧞 Commands
🧞 Commands
All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

| Command                | Action                                     |
| :--------------------- | :----------------------------------------- |
| fpm build              | FPM builder installs all `FPM` dependencies|
| fpm serve              | Starts local dev server at available port  |
|                        | `localhost:8000`                           |

👀 Want to learn more?
👀 Want to learn more?
Feel free to check our documentation or jump into our FifthTry Discord server.

Using dash-dash-ds
How to use blog
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