Bling Components

Chat & messages

-- message-left OR -- message-right is a new chatting experience via using FTD lang.

message-left & message-right

Package Name
To use these components on your web package, add below into FASTN.ftd file:
-- fastn.dependency: as bling
-- bling/chat as chat
Once you add above lines into your web package, add message-left OR message-right into your .ftd files:
-- message-left basic usage example code:
-- chat.message-left: Hellow World! 😀

some body of the chat here

-- end: chat.message-left
Hello World! 😀
-- message-right basic usage example code:
-- chat.message-right: Hey Buddy! 👋

some body of the chat here

-- end: chat.message-right
Hey Buddy! 👋

Real-life example of a chat, using message left & right:

Hey Buddy!
uis nostrud exercitation ullaril mco labil oris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commo dorli consequa duis aute irure dolor lorii
Below is code:
-- message-left: Hi! 
-- ftd.text: Hi!
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor er eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepte urla sint occaecat cupidatat nor proident,
Wow! awesome man!:
-- message-right: Yo! 
-- ftd.text: Yo!
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sed do eiusmod tempor ut
Lorem ipsum
sed do eiusmod
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